The primary objective of Kum Ba Yah Foundation, Inc. is to provide nourishing food through a school lunch feeding program. We serve lunches to starving school children in impoverished countries. Our immediate goal is to serve the school children in Haiti. The Foundation’s future and long-range objective is to make feeding the poor and hungry children a global effort.
Kum Ba Yah Foundation. Inc. presently serves lunches to hundreds of children at a Christian School in Duty, Haiti. Approximately five thousand people reside in the village of Duty, located near the seaport town of Cap Haitien in Northern Haiti.
The provision of food affords the children opportunity to overcome the crippling effect of malnutrition and increases their ability to learn. A Haitian proverb, “Hungry stomachs have no ears,” sums up the challenge of educating poor and needy children. When children are hungry, they lack focus and experience retention issues as well as health problems. They continually deal with hunger pains and are in constant search for their next bite of food. The School Lunch Program stimulates and encourages daily school attendance because many children may not receive even one meal a day at home. They may even resort to eating mud cookies to fill their stomachs.
In a country where more than fifty percent of the children have very little opportunity to become educated due to poverty, it is our desire to see the children grow not only in the academic areas but also in love and the knowledge of Christ. Since children shape the future we want to empower students to build on their own dreams and find hope for a brighter tomorrow. Kum Ba Yah, Come by here, Lord!